Table of contents
Streams Domain and Instance
To run your application in distributed mode, you need a Streams Domain and a Streams Instance. A domain is a logical grouping of resources (or containers) in a network for common management and administration. It can contain one or more instances that share a security model, and a set of domain services.
An instance is the Streams distributed runtime environment. It is composed of a set of interacting services running across one or multiple resources. The Streams Instance is responsible for running Streams applications. When an application is submitted onto a Streams instance, it distributes the application code onto each of the resources. It coordinates with the instance services to execute the processing elements.
Setting up a Development Domain and Instance
To set up a development domain and instance, follow these steps. A development domain and instance runs on a single host. You can dynamically add additional host to the domain later.
First, if you have not already done so, set up the necessary environment variables by running the
source <Streams_Install>/bin/
Next, start streamstool by typing the following command:
When prompted to provide a ZooKeeper ensemble, enter the ZooKeeper ensemble string if you have a ZooKeeper server set up. Otherwise, press enter to use the embedded ZooKeeper.
streamtool is an interactive tool. To get content assist and auto-complete, press <Tab>.
To make a new domain, enter this command in the streamtool interactive command session:
mkdomain -d <domainName>
Generate public and private key for Streams, so you do not have to keep logging in:
Start the domain:
Tip: If the domain fails to start because a port is in use, you may change the port number by using setdomainproperty. For example, if JMX and SWS ports are in use:
setdomainproperty jmx.port=<jmxPort> sws.port=<sws.Port>
To make a new instance, enter this command:
mkinstance -i <instance-id>
Start the instance:
Running Streams Applications in Distributed Mode
Now that you have a domain and instance started, you can run your application in distributed mode. To submit a job, find the application bundle file (*.sab), and run the following command:
streamtool submitjob appBundleName.sab
To submit our sample application, we will change into the output directory of the application and submit the application bundle:
cd output/application.TradesAppMain/
streamtool submitjob application.TradesAppMain.sab
Querying for Job Status
You may query job status from your Streams Instance using streamtool commands.
If using embedded ZooKeeper:
streamtool lsjob -d <streamsDomainName> -i <instanceName> --embeddedzk
If using external ZooKeeper ensemble:
streamtool lsjob -d <streamsDomainName> -i <instanceName> --zkconnect <zooKeeperHost>:<zooKeeperPort>
You will see job status similar to this:
[streamsadmin@streamsqse Distributed]$ streamtool lsjobs -d StreamsDomain -i StreamsInstance --embeddedzk
Instance: StreamsInstance
Id State Healthy User Date Name Group
6 Running yes streamsadmin 2015-04-30T18:32:48-0400 application::TradesAppMain_6 default